Program NodeMcu with arduino
NodeMCU Dev Board is based on widely explored esp8266 System on Chip from Expressif. If simply saying it’s an esp12 with a voltage regulator and a serial programmer. So instead of using esp12 and programming it using a serial converter, in NodeMcu we can just connect directly to pc with usb and program. Uses simple LUA based programming language. Lua is primarily used in video game industry since 1993. Lua is a fast language engine with small footprint that you can embed easily into your application. If you want to program your NodeMcu with Lua you can use ESPlorer IDE. You can download it from here . But in this article I’m going to tell you how you can program your NodeMcu with Arduino. Pin mapping In nodeMcu pin mapping is somewhat different, you can access D0 to D10 pins (GPIO pins) as below. #define D0 16 #define D1 5 #define D2 4 #define D3 0 #define D4 2 #define D5 14 #define D6 12 #define D7 13 #define D8 15 #define D9 3 #...